Nevada Historical Society
SARAH JANE (COX) BLASDEL (1826 – 1904)
Governor Henry G. Blasdel (1864 – 1870)
The information below has been compiled from a variety of sources. If the reader has access to information that can be documented and that will correct or add to this woman’s biographical information, please contact the Nevada Women’s History Project.
At A Glance:
Born: Dec 1826 (KY)
Died: 31 Oct 1904 (Fruitvale [Oakland] CA)
Burial: Oakland, CA
Maiden Name: Sarah Jane Cox
Race/Nationality/Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Married: 9 Dec 1845
Children: Henry G., Grace W., Sara J.
Primary City and County of Residence and Work:
Carson City NV, San Francisco CA
Major Fields of Work: First Lady
Other Role Identities: Wife, Mother, Philanthropist
Obituary: Carson City News 3 Nov 1904:1
OAKLAND. Nov. 1-Mrs. Sarah J. Blasdel, widow of the late Henry G. Blasdel, who was the first Governor of Nevada passed away at her home on Twenty-Fourth Avenue, Fruitvale, last evening after a lingering illness. She was a native of Lawrenceburg, Ind., aged 64 years and came to this city some years ago after her husband had concluded his second term as Governor of Nevada. Governor Blasdel was elected in 1854 and died here in 1900.
The Blasdel’s were among Fruitvale’s most prominent citizens and were well known on account of their many charitable acts.
Surviving Mrs. Blasdel are two sons and one daughter, Sherill W. and Henry G. Blasdel and Mrs. L. Blasdel Bernard.
The funeral arrangements have not been made.
- “Henry G. Blasdel.” The National Cyclopedia of American Biography – vol. XI. New York, New York: James S. White & Company. 1901. 200. Print.
- “Widow of First Governor Dies.” Carson City News 3 Nov. 1904:1. Print.
- Myles, Myrtle Tate. “Henry Good Blasdel.” Nevada’s Governors: From Territorial Days to the Present, 1861-1971. Sparks, NV: Western Printing & Publishing Company, 1972. 14, 15, 17. Print.
- Sawyer, Bette. “Nevada’s 100 Years of First Ladies.” Nevada Centennial Magazine 1964: p. 125. Print.
- Nylen, Robert A., and Guy Louis Rocha. “Sarah Jane (Cox) Blasdel.” State of Nevada: The Historical Governor’s Mansion. Carson City, Nevada: Dema Guinn, the Nevada Commission on Tourism, Nevada Magazine, and the Nevada Department of Cultural Affairs, 2005.22. Print.