This Guide was published as part of the Nevada Women’s Archives Project established in 1992 at UNR Special Collections. The purpose of the Women’s Archives statewide effort was to “collect, preserve, catalog, and provide accessibility to the papers and records of Nevada women and women’s organizations.

Nevada Women’s History: A Guide to Archives and Manuscripts in Nevada Repositories. Compiled by Jean Ford. Special Collections Department, University Library, University of Nevada, Reno, 1998
The Nevada Women’s History Project has created the digital “Repository of Nevada Women’s History” on our website as a continuance of this effort by again traveling to museums, archives, libraries in Nevada to find and add names and locations to this online database.
The database is a Google spreadsheet that opens in a separate window from your main screen. Navigation in the database requires you to use the slide bar on the right, close to the spreadsheet. At the bottom of this window is an alphabet you can use to go directly to the letters you are searching.
As of May 2021, this project includes nearly 11,000 items from:4th and Prater History Project; Carson City Library; Central Nevada Museum, Tonopah; Churchill County Museum Association; website for Edna Purviance; Humboldt Museum – Humboldt Historian; Nevada Historical Society, Reno; Nevada Legislature, Nevada Legislators, 1861-Current; Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records; Nevada Test Site Oral History Project; Northeastern Nevada Historical Society; Our Story, Inc.; Out West Magazine, August 1914; Sparks Heritage Museum; UNLV Special Collection; UNR Oral History Project Archive; UNR Special Collections; Washoe County Library, Downtown Branch; Women in Nevada History; Women of Diversity Productions, Inc.