Jean Ford
Jean Ford, 1997 (Photo taken by Patrice Bingham)

The Nevada Women’s History Project was founded by former Clark County State Senator Jean Ford to collect and disseminate information about Nevada women to historians and the general public through its website, publications and other public outreach. Upon retiring from political life, Jean became Acting Director of Women Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno in 1991. In the spring of 1992 she designed and taught a new course: “Nevada Women on the Frontier,” which dealt with the study relating to the historical and current aspects of women’s history in Nevada. In the course development she was amazed to find that there was a glaring absence of information specific to Nevada women. READ MORE

The NWHP Board Members, 2024-2025
L to R: Donna Knapp, Patti Bernard, Sue Davis, Marcia Cuccaro, Joy Orlich, Roz Reynolds, and Mona Reno. Not pictured: Kathy Noneman and Carla Ford


JULY 2024 – JUNE 2025

Executive Committee

  • Chair: Sue Davis
  • Vice-Chair: Lisa-Marie Lightfoot
  • Secretary: Rosalyne Reynolds
  • Treasurer: Donna Knapp

Appointed Directors

  • Past Chair: Patti Bernard
  • Membership: Joy Orlich
  • Jean Ford Research Center: Patti Bernard
  • Director At Large: Kathy Noneman
  • Director At Large: Mona Reno

Committee Chairs

  • Communication: Silvana Ricci
  • Corresponding Secretary: Sarah Britt
  • Newsletter: Donna Knapp


By Janet White

From the NWHP News, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1996, page 2.

It began quite simply, a phone call or two, then a few more. Many, many questions, some with no answers. Some suggestions on where the required information might be found. Always more questions than solutions. Who was she? Where was she born and where did she live? When did she come to Nevada? Why did she come here? Who was the first Nevada woman to obtain the license, pass the bar, practice medicine, work her own mine, run her own ranch? The dry creek of information was flash-flooded with questions. READ MORE
