The Women’s Biographies page is an extension of the Jean Ford Research Center. It is under development indefinitely. Please Email us for more research information or to a make a Nevada Women’s biographical contribution. For additional research on Nevada Women, you may wish to contact the Jean Ford Research Center directly at 775-786-2335 or 770 Smithridge Drive, Suite 300, Reno, Nevada 89502.
Currently, biographical information is available by Alphabetical List and Geographical Area.
Eva Bertrand Adams (1908-1991)
- Washoe Co.
- Government Official
Mary Lydia Adams-Williams (1867-1928)
- Douglas Co.
- Education, lecturing, writing, politics
Alice Merriam Baltzelle Addenbrooke (1881-1972)
- Washoe Co.
- Civic activist, historian
Marlene Joan Adrian (1933-2022)
- Clark Co.
- Professor Emerita, Author, athlete, co-founder and president emerita, Women of Diversity Productions, Inc.
Lois Thompson Allen (1904-1999)
- Humboldt Co. (Winnemucca), Eureka Co. (Beowawe), Washoe County (Sparks, Sun Valley)
- Teacher, School Principal, Business Owner
Verna Elizabeth Bullis Anderson (1916-2008)
- Reno, Washoe County, and Winnemucca, Humboldt County
- Teacher, writer, newspaper reporter/editor, rancher
Myrtle Beatrice Talcott Anker (1894-1973)
- Pershing Co.
- Ranch Owner/Manager, Farm Bureau Leader
Charlotte Hunter Arley (1912-2006)
- Washoe Co.
- Attorney
Caroline Elizabeth Aufdermaur (1910-1991)
- Pershing Co.
- Caregiver, Mother, Farm Partner
Elizabeth Cilicia Babcock (1835-1899)
- Carson City, Ormsby County; Reno, Washoe County
- Educator
Dessie Lola Bailey (1918-1999)
- Clark Co.
- Volunteer for Children with Special Needs
Mary Wright Bain (1879-1969)
- Washoe Co.
- Ranching, Aviation
Edna Nevada Catlin Baker (1875-1957)
- Washoe Co.
- Educator, Government Official
Martha Gruss Barlow (1920-1993)
- Mineral Co.
- Government Official
Jessie Parker Beck (1879-1961)
- Washoe Co.
- Education
Barbara Jean Peters Bennett (1923-1993)
- Wahoe Co.
- Mayor of the City of Reno, political and community activist
Esther Louise Laiola Bennett (1917-2007)
- Washoe Co.
- Educator
Kathleen “Kay” Margaret Cleary Bennett (1936-2022)
- Carson City
- Surgical Nurse, Carson City Supervisor, aviation, TRPA, mother
Helen Delich Bentley (1923-2016)
- Tonopah Canyon, Nevada, Baltimore, MD and Washington, D.C.
- Journalist, Congresswoman, Chair of the Federal Maritime Commission
Edith Naomi Bernard (1914-2005)
- Carson City
- Wife, Mother, Civic Activist
Minnie Nichols Blair (1886-1972)
- Churchill Co.
- Business Owner, Rancher
Kittie Wells Bonner (1901-1985)
- Lander Co.
- Community Activist, Deputy Sheriff
Libbie Conover Booth (1856-1948)
- Washoe Co.
- Educator, Principal
Grace A. Bordewich (1910-1999)
- Carson City
- Educator
Lucy Anna Winston Bouldin (1937-2021)
- Storey Co.
- Teacher, librarian, musician
Katherine Louise Eager Bowdle (1883-1940)
- White Pine Co.
- Physician, Hospital Administrator, Registered Nurse
Carolyn Nancy Bordewich Bowers (1916-2005)
- Carson City
- Artist, librarian, museum illustrator, Sierra Club chapter co-founder, member
Eilley Oram Bowers (1826-1903)
- Washoe/Storey Co.
- Boarding House Owner, Seeress, Wife
Alida Cynthia Bowler (1887-1968)
- Carson City
- Social work, Federal government administration (Children’s Bureau and Indian Service)
Emma Lou Montgomery Brandt (1917-2006)
- Clark Co.
- Educator, Business Owner
Mildred Bray (1892-1975)
- Washoe Co.
- Government Official
Mildred Matthews Breedlove (1904-1994)
- Clark Co.
- Author, Poet
Verna Bradbury Broili (1919-2011)
- Washoe Co.
- Author, Historian
Kathleen “Kay” Jane Flaherty Brown (1927-2020)
- Washoe Co.
- Educator, teacher, principal, public relations
Marjorie Ann Moore Brown (1885-1987)
- Nye Co.
- Nevada Equal Franchise Society founding member, Nevada Federation of Women’s Clubs, National Woman’s Suffrage Association, National League for Women’s Service, National Red Cross Association, Century Club and the Browning Society
Erma Irene Bruce (1903-1987)
- Washoe Co., Storey Co., Lyon Co., Carson City
- Poetry
Carrie Choate Bullis (1878-1964)
- Humboldt Co.
- Educator, Wife, Mother
Carol Lu Ella Bullis-Echeverria (1909-1988)
- Humboldt/Washoe Co.
- Educator, Realtor, Wife
Florence Sanford Burge (1912-1986)
- Washoe Co.
- Journalist
Isabella McCormick Butler (186?-1922)
- Esmeralda Co.
- Prospector, Rancher, Wife
Thelma Davis Calhoun (1913-1998)
- Carson City
- Civic Leader, Painter, Distinguished Nevadan
Rita Agnes Cannan (1893-1981)
- Reno
- Teacher, School Principal
Carolyn Jean Adams Talcott Carlon (1925-2014)
- Washoe Co.
- Law Enforcement Officer, Wife, Mother
Virginia Carothers (1875-1966)
- White Pine Co.
- Educator, Bookkeeper
Florence Humphrey Church (1869-1922)
- Washoe Co.
- Suffragist, Volunteer/leader in many women’s clubs
Hannah Keziah Clapp (1824-1908)
- Carson City, Washoe Co.
- Business Owner, Educator
Marguerite H. Gosse Stoddard Clark (1890-1972)
- Washoe Co.
- Legislator, Businesswoman, Community Activist
Felice Cohn (1878-1961)
- Carson City
- Attorney, Political Activist
Dr. Eliza Cook (1856-1947)
- Douglas Co.
- Physician, Political Activist
Martha Patricia Cooke (1923-2012)
- Washoe Co.
- Mother, Wife, Artist
Beda Brennecke Cornwall (1907-1994)
- Clark Co.
- Library Founder, Educator, Wife
Hilda M. Covey (1909-1982)
- Clark Co.
- Restaurateur, Journalist
Martha James Cragun Cox (1852-1932)
- Clark Co.
- Educator, Mormon Counselor, Author
Clara Dunham Crowell (1876-1944)
- Lander/Nye Co.
- Sheriff, Nurse, Wife
Jennie Adele Curieux (1881-1961)
- Nye Co.
- Teacher, Nye County Auditor and Recorder
Carrie Dann (1933-2021)
- Eureka Co.
- Native American and environmental activist
Dat-So-La-Lee (184?-1925)
- Carson City
- Folk Artist (Washo Basketmaker)
Nellie Mighels Davis (1844-1945)
- Washoe Co.
- Journalist, Newspaper Publisher
Marcia De Braga (1937-2010)
- Carson City, Churchhill Co.
- Rancher, Government Official, Author
Sonia Cecilia Barndt Cochran DeHart (1906-2003)
- Carson City and Genoa, Douglas Co.
- Theodore Kosloff Russian Ballet performer, dance instructor, antique store owner, community activist, Episcopal Church thrift store manager, League of Women Voters, National Cattlemen’s Association, Women’s Press Club, Associate Director at the Nevada state park in Genoa
Joanne De Longchamps (1923-1983)
- Washoe Co.
- Author
Hazel Baker Denton (1887-1962)
- Lincoln Co.
- Author, Educator, Government Official
Dorothy Dinsmore (1876-1963)
- Washoe Co.
- Citizen Activist, Artist, UNR Faculty Wife
Mary Stoddard Doten (1845-1914)
- Carson City, Lander/Storey/Washoe Co.
- Journalist, Suffragist
Geneva Smith Douglas (1932-1993)
- Clark Co.
- Physicist, Wife
Alice Gottschalk Downer (1913-2008)
- Carson City, Douglas/Washoe Co.
- Educator, Community Volunteer, Mother
Anna Neddenriep Dressler (1898-1987)
- Douglas Co.
- Rancher, Wife, Mother
Luella Kirkbride Drumm (1872-1962)
- Churchill Co.
- Civic Activist, Government Official
Kathleen “Kathy” Mary Weymouth Durham (1943-2023)
- Washoe Co.
- Art Historian, Artist, Local and National Collaborator
Edna Crauch Trunnell Eddy (1876-1962)
- Humboldt, Pershing Co.
- Mortuary Owner, Elected Public Administrator
Bessie R. Lucas Eichelberger (1863-1952)
- Washoe Co.
- women’s suffrage, many women’s groups and causes
Charlotte Rowberry Ellsworth (1912-1998)
- Clark/Washoe Co.
- Reservation and Assistant Hotel Manager
Mary Aileen Norton Evans (1899-1993)
- Eureka/Humboldt Co.
- Telegrapher for the Western Pacific Railroad Company
Janice W. Evans (1937-2000)
- Washoe/Carson City
- State Assemblywoman; Development officer, University of Nevada School of Medicine
Anna Mariska Shultz Fitch (1840-1904)
- Washoe City, Virginia City
- Author, Anti-suffrage, Congressional wife
Margaret Flick (1884-1968)
- Washoe County
- Ranch owner; Nevada Humane Society trustee; Nevada White Hats member; Washoe Horsemen’s Association
Donna Belle ‘Bonnie’ Pampel Foard (1925-2020)
- Washoe County
- Musician, Teacher
Lilly Hing Fong (1925-2002)
- Washoe Co.
- Educator, Public Servant
Imogene (Jean) Evelyn Young Ford (1929-1998)
- Carson City, Clark/Washoe Co.
- Citizen Activist, Founder of the Nevada Women’s History Project
Katie Christy Frazier (1890-1991)
- Washoe Co.
- Folk Artist (Paiute Storyteller)
Maude Frazier (1881-1963)
- Clark Co.
- Educator, Government Official
Frances Gertrude Friedhoff (1895-1958)
- Lyon Co.
- Government Official
Dr. Mary Hill Fulstone (1892-1987)
- Washoe Co.
- Physician
Doris Barbara “Dodie” Post Gann (1922-2012)
- Washoe Co.
- U.S. Olympic Skier and Team Captain, Women’s U.S Olympic Ski Team Manager, International Ski Federation (World Ski Cup) competitor and team captain, 1984 Air Race Classic winning team, numerous awards and recognitions.
Margaret “Maggie” Gee (1923-2013)
- Douglas Co.
- Pilot, Physicist, Political Activist, WASP
Wuzzie Dick George (1879?-1984)
- Churchill Co.
- Folk Artist (Paiute Crafts)
Viola Annie West Goldsworthy (1896-1975)
- Lyon/Washoe Co.
- Wife, Mother, Education Organizer
Nancy Sullivan Gomes (1926-1979)
- Washoe County
- Wife, Mother, Sister, Daughter, Concerned Citizen, Cancer Survivor
Gertrude Riordan Gottschalk (1916-2019)
- Carson City
- Democratic National Committeewoman, Carson City Democratic Women’s Club, Nevada Women’s History Project, Chapter X, PEO, Mark Twain Garden Club, Philanthropic Education Organization, and several bridge clubs.
Martha Letcher Gottschalk (1881-1973)
- Pershing/Washoe Co.
- Nurses Aid, Caregiver
Mary Louise Grantz (1879-1970)
- Washoe Co.
- Prospector
Marvel Ranson Guisti (1912-1979)
- Washoe Co.
- Educator, Counselor
Eunice Esther Hobbs Hood (1861-1941)
- Washoe Co.
- Civic Activist, University Regent, Leader of Nevada Suffrage Organizations
Delora Elmira Craw Hulse (1868-1944)
- Lincoln Co.
- Wife, mother, daughter
Frances Marguerite Humphrey (1904-2001)
- Washoe Co.
- Educator
Janet Holcomb Hunter (1918-2001)
- Washoe Co.
- Education
Sadie Dotson Hurst (1857-1952)
- Washoe Co.
- Government Official, Political Activist
No Entries
Theresa Smokey Jackson (1916-1999)
- Douglas Co.
- Educator, Folk Artist (Basket weaver)
Agnes Hume Scott Train Janssen 1905-1991)
- Genoa, Douglas County; Carson City
- Nevada State Museum curator, naturalist, author, artist
Lubertha Miller Johnson (1906-1989)
- Clark Co.
- Educator, Civil Rights and Social Welfare Activist
Maggie Johnson (unknown-1924)
- Eureka Co.
- Mining, Boardinghouse Owner
Velma Bronn Johnston (1912-1977)
- Washoe Co.
- Secretary, Rancher, Wild Horse Advocate
Caroline Frances Best Kelley (1919-2014)
- Carson City, Churchill/Washoe Co.
- Wife, Mother, Community Leader
Dr. Olga Constatina Lord Kipanidze (1897-1976)
- Washoe Co.
- Physician
Bertha Knemeyer (1885-1963)
- Elko Co.
- Educator, Government Official
Teresa D’Alosio Knight (1891-1987)
- Eureka/Lincoln/White Pine Co.
- Cowgirl, Housewife
Molly Flagg Knudtsen (1915-2001)
- Lander/Washoe Co.
- Board of Regents Member, Environmentalist
Mattie “Ma Kiley” Brite Kuhn (1880-1971)
- Washoe Co.
- Telegraph Operator
Therése Alpetche Laxalt (1891-1978)
- Carson City
- Boarding House/Restaurant Owner, Wife
Katherine Lewers (1868-1945)
- Washoe Co.
- Educator, Artist
Alice Allegra Dove List (1910-1997)
- Carson City, Washoe Co.
- Bookkeeper, Artist, Community Leader
Jennie Kelly Logan (1862 or 1865-1940)
- Reno/Washoe County, Gold Hill/Storey County
- Teaching, working for women’s suffrage
Effie Mona Mack (1888-1969)
- Washoe Co.
- Nevada history, education
Sarah Emeline (Emma) Mack (1866–1947)
- Washoe Co.
- Club Organization, Women’s Suffrage Leader
Jessie Callahan Mahoney (1877-1956)
- Eureka Co.
- Rancher, Educator, Government Official
Lillian Malcolm (1868-19??)
- Nye/Esmeralda Co.
- Prospector
Anne Henrietta Martin (1875-1951)
- Washoe Co.
- Author, Educator
Anne Hudnall Martin (1857-1928)
- Carson City
- Teacher, Newspaper owner and editor, Superintendent of U.S. Assay Office (formerly the U.S. Mint in Carson City)
Mila Tupper Maynard (1864-1926)
- Washoe Co.
- Minister, Political Activist
Sister Margaret Patricia McCarran (1904-1998)
- Washoe Co.
- Nun, Teacher, Community Assistance, Writer
Mary Ludmilla McCarran (1906-1966)
- Religion, teaching, art, music, writing
Marian Alice McClellan (1941-2019)
- Lovelock, Pershing Co.
- County commissioner, activist, assayer
Jean Sybil McElrath (1917-1967)
- Elko Co.
- Author, Journalist
Margaret Evangeline (Marge) Means
- Washoe Co.
- Artist, Cultural Arts Founder, Volunteer
Katharine Norrid Mergen (1910-1997)
- Lyon/Washoe Co.
- Journalist, Educator
Maya Paine Miller (1915-2006)
- Carson City, Washoe Co., Clark Co.
- Activist
Laura Mills (1893-1973)
- Churchill Co.
- Educator
Virginia Moreira Moura (1910-1994)
- Pershing Co.
- Deputy County Recorder, Secretary/Bookkeeper
Leona Addie Daoust Munk (1911-2003)
- Pershing Co.
- Owner/Partner Kay-Lee’s Drive-In, Bookkeeper
Colanthe “Florence” Jones Murphy (1911-2006)
- Clark Co.
- Aviation, Politics, Real Estate
Kathleen Murray (Sister M. Seraphine (1891-1987)
- Washoe Co.
- Hospital Administration
Myrtle Tate Myles (1886-1980)
- Washoe Co.
- Author, Journalist, Historian
Ellen Clifford Nay (1879-1947)
- Esmeralda/Nye Co.
- Propector, Road House Owner, Blacksmith
Emma Wixom Nevada (1859-1940)
- Lander Co.
- Opera Singer, Wife
Helena Suzanne (Lena) Bidwell Norton (1863-1953)
- Washoe County
- Artist, Suffrage Activist, Club Woman
Mary O’Neill O’Connell (1908-1984)
- Tonopah, NV; Carson City, NV; Eureka, NV; Ely, NV
- Education (Teaching)
Ting Soo Hoo Ong (1907-1925)
- White Pine Co.
- Cook, Restaurant Owner, Wife
Elda Ann Williams Orr (1846-1916)
- Washoe Co.
- Suffrage, Volunteerism
Mary Leicht Oxborrow (1852-1935)
- White Pine Co.
- Midwife, Wife
Ethel May Parker (1891-1970)
- Washoe Co.
- Civic Clubs, Music, History, Journalism
Maria Garifalou Pavlakis (1912-1982)
- White Pine Co.
- Baker, Pastry Shop Owner, Hotel Manager
Josephine Reed Pearl (1873-1962)
- Humboldt/White Pine Co.
- Prospector, Wife
Lucille Elizabeth Emmert Petty (1913-2006)
- Carson City
- Civic Leader, Wife, Mother
Lillie Simson Van Voorhis Pinger
- Churchill Co.
- Civil service, State Assemblywoman
Mimosa June Gates Pittman (1872-1952)
- Nye Co.
- U.S. Senator’s wife, founder of Senate Wives club, prominent hostess
Carrie Elizabeth Miller Townley Porter (1935-2014)
- Nye/Washoe Co.
- Records management consultant, archivist, researcher, writer
No Entries
Bertha Eaton Raffetto (1885-1952)
- Washoe Co.
- Composer, Author, Wife
Anna Frances Elleser Rechel (1884-1967)
- Mineral Co.
- Prospector
Olga A. Wuertz Reifschneider (1900-1978)
- Washoe Co.
- Scientist
Jennie O’Hare Riordan (1874-1965)
- Carson City, White Pine Co.
- Educator, Rancher, Wife
Jeanette Edith “Nettie” Farlinger Bremenkampf Rogers (1885-1964)
- Eureka/Washoe Co.
- Homemaker, poll worker and official, Diamond Rebekah Lodge
Bertha Bishop Ronzone (1885-1969)
- Nye/Clark Co.
- Business Owner, Wife
Mary Grace O’Donnell Rose (1875-1935)
- Humboldt Co.
- Government Official
Ruth C. Ruddell (1893-1970)
- Pershing Co.
- Rancher
Mary Kiehl Rusco (1927-2005)
- Washoe Co.
- Archaeologist and Anthropologist
Ferminia Sarras (1840-1915)
- Esmeralda/Mineral Co.
- Prospector, Wife
Jesusa Saval (1890-1982)
- Lander Co.
- Ranch Owner/Operator
Byrd Fanita Wall Sawyer (1895-1981)
- Churchill Co.
- Education, Historical Writing, Medical Assistance
Emma Grace Gibbs Schadler (1860-1935)
- Washoe County
- Millinery shop
Helen Rulison Shipley (1870-1955)
- Nye/Washoe Co.
- Dentist, Wife
Alice Lucretia Smith (1902-1990)
- Washoe Co.
- Political Activist
Debbie Smith (1956-2016)
- Washoe Co.
- Nevada State Senator and Assemblywoman; Benefits information representative, Operating Engineers; board member on numerous school and community organizations.
Louise Aloys Smith (1917-1999)
- Pershing Co.
- Military Service, Operatic Soprano, Government Official
Mildred Sebbas Smith (1910-1999)
- Pershing Co.
- Hospital Administrator, Wife
Wilhelmine Heidtman Springmeyer (1847-1928)
- Douglas Co.
- Ranch Owner, Wife
Sallie Maria Ruperti Springmeyer (1903-2007)
- Douglas/Washoe Co.
- Attorney, Public Service Activist
Delphine Squires (1868-1961)
- Clark Co.
- Journalist, Political Activist, Wife
Inez Maria Casale (Booth) Stempeck (1927-2020)
- Washoe Co.
- Restaurant Owner – Casale’s Halfway Club, Daughter, Wife, Mother, Family Matriarch, Local Celebrity
Helen J. Stewart (1854-1926)
- Clark Co.
- Rancher, Government Official, Wife
Betty Brang Stoddard-Muncie (1919-2010)
- Washoe Co.
- Radio/TV host, sales representative
Idah Meacham Strobridge (1855-1932)
- Pershing Co.
- Author
Ruth Davis Sullivan (1896-1991)
- Pershing Co.
- Nurse, Piano Teacher
Elizabeth Marie Rasmussen Sundberg (1874-1962)
- White Pine Co.
- Homemaker, Community Supporter
Louisa Marie Chubbuck Sweetland (1853-1938)
- Carson City
- Nevada pioneer, homemaker
Margaret Bartlett Thornton (1901-1981)
- Washoe/Clark Co.
- Poet, Editor, Aviation Enthusiast
Patricia Ann Tripple (1924-2018)
- Washoe County
- Home Economics Professor and Dean, University of Nevada; Washoe County Assemblywoman
Kathryn L. Marbaker Tubb (1886-1957)
- Nye Co.
- Rancher, Proprietor of Boarding House/Brothel
No Entries
Emma Vanderlieth (1864-1920)
- Carson City, Washoe Co.
- Community Volunteer
Barbara Joan Farrell Bugden Dillon Vucanovich (1921-2013)
- Washoe Co.
- Politics, business owner and community volunteer
Gue Gim Wah (1900-1988)
- Lincoln Co.
- Boarding House/Restaurant Owner, Wife
Maud Gill Hall Gassaway Waite (1876-1930)
- Washoe Co.
- Women’s suffrage, Women’s Christian Temperance Union and other civic organizations, Small businesswoman, millinery and dressmaking
Ada Van Sant Stoddard Wallace (1887-1978)
- Carson City
- Socialite, Painter
Anna B. Mudd Warren (1863-1944)
- Storey/Washoe Co.
- Attorney
Lois Elizabeth Hatch Deimel Washburn (1902-1959)
- Carson City, Churchill/Mineral/Nye Co.
- Educator, Government Official, Wife
Isabella May Gourlay Dunn Webb (1880-1948)
- Reno, Washoe Co.
- Golf professional and course designer; Artist
Terry Lee Wells (1941-2002)
- Washoe Co.
- Volunteerism and philanthropy
Dixie Olean Karr Westergard (1935-2007)
- Carson City
- Educator, Historian, Author
Margaret (Peg) Marean Wheat (1908-1988)
- Churchill Co.
- Author, Anthropologist, Wife
Mary Daisy Allen Williams White (1873-1958)
- Churchill Co.
- Government Official, Business Owner, Wife
Dr. Jeanne Wier (1870-1950)
See bio on the NWHP Suffrage Website
- Washoe Co.
- Professor, Administrator, Historian
Frances Slaven Williamson (1842-1919)
- Lander/Washoe Co.
- Author, Educator, Journalist
Betty Whitehead Willis
- Clark Co.
- Graphic Design
Bird Wilson (1865-1946)
- Esmeralda/Nye Co.
- Court Reporter, Mine Owner, Suffragist
Carrie Ellen Willis Wilson (1868-1925)
- Lyon Co.
- Educator, Civic Volunteer, Wife
Laura May Tilden Wilson (1872-1928)
- Storey Co.
- Attorney, Notary Public, Suffragist
Hazel Bell Wines (1885-1949)
- Elko/Humboldt/Washoe Co.
- Educator, Politician, Wife
Sarah Winnemucca (1844-1891)
- Humboldt/Pershing/Washoe Co.
- Educator, Political Activist, Wife
Kathleen Marie Kelly Pozzi Winters (1920-2024)
- Lyon Co., Carson City
- Volunteer organization leader
Bertha Sanford Woodard (1916-1999)
- Sparks/Reno/Washoe Co.
- Nursing, Civil Rights Activist, Wife
Josie Alma Woods (1889-1983)
- Eureka Co.
- Government Official, Rancher
Alanah Jean Woody (1956-2007)
- Carson City; Minden, Douglas County; Reno, Washoe County; Las Vegas, Clark County
- Archeology, co-founder and executive director of Nevada Rock Art Foundation
Fuji Adamson Stephens Woon (1911-1963)
- Carson City
- Philanthropist
Roslyn Merle Schwartz Works (1938-2006)
- Carson City
- Mother, theater, education, mentor, women’s history
No Entries
No Entries